Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Review - Skulduggery Pleasant

Skulduggery Pleasant [SKULDUGGERY PLEASANT]Very quickly I'd like to raise people's attention of a Read-A-Thon idea. Before I put any serious amount of time and effort into this, I want to know if there's sufficient interest in it. Leave a comment on this post if you're interested, and state whether you want to be a reader or a moderator, and whether you'll help with PR or not. When I have an idea of how many people are involved, then I'll be able to announce whether or not this will be going ahead as planned. (And any help in planning it would be greatly appreciated).*

Now, onto that review - very simple video review, this time, of Skulduggery Pleasant, the first book in the series of the same name, by Derek Landy.

And there you have it - the first video review for The New Book Club. To join the club, just subcribe to the channel. It's that simple. Then, when a review is posted, you just reply with a comment or a video of your own. It couldn't be easier!

(also, Skulduggery Pleasant makes a great book for Read-A-Thons!)

*Read-A-Thon idea has not and will not go ahead (29/08/10)

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