Thursday, January 7, 2010

Bad Timing

I had my first day back in college... except there were no lectures! Confused? So was I.

Now, our English lecturer was kind enough to email us yesterday to tell us that due to the snow and the difficulties involved in travelling, the lecture would be cancelled. That was fine; we all got a lie in this morning.

We had a Theology lecture at half two... or so we thought! We arrived early. The lecturer failed to show his face at all. Fifteen minutes in, another lecturer arrives to tell us the lecture was cancelled and that he'd sent an email.

Rewind an hour and a half... I'm an home, iPod in my hand and connected to the Internet. I check my college emails... nothing new. Okay, I thought, the lecture's still on.

Five O'Clock today... the email finally arrives to tell us that the lecture we were present to attend is cancelled. Thank you?

Such matters should have been dealt with sooner, methinks. Like Wednesday morning, when it was quite obvious that there were going to be difficulties. At least then we would have been guaranteed to know when we weren't supposed to go in!

Anyone else experience similar timing mess ups?

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